Jumat, 27 April 2012

he's baccccck

Omfg, he's back. Yap he's my afika<3 gapercaya bgt gaaaaah. Kemana ajasi kmrn2 fikkkkk, diriku kgn bgt tauuuu. Tp ya kemungkinan kecil bakal sm2 fika teyus huhu. Fik, should i move on? Klo ga move on skrg aja km gaada. Oh God, where the hell is he? Gamau ky kmrn lg sm fika......
Kayanya gue punya panggilan baru untk fika nih mhihihi "Kelinci"<333333
Lo berubah bgt fik tp skrg. Jd rada ganjen gt ewh. Udh gt lo minta dicariin pacar lg sm sepupu lo. Kmrn jg ya diriku melihatmu bersama wanita lain. Duh nyesek<///3

Rabu, 18 April 2012

php atau.............

Yap ini dia capture bbman gue dgn doi. He called me 'mbem' and I called him 'afika'. Oh dear, I miss u so bad;(
Oh iya ada jg yg dia galau krn gue. Huhu dulu gue jht sih sm fika. Mngkn gue lg dpt karma kaliyaaaaa h3h3. Forgive me fik......wuff yu<3

> Kmrn nih wkt gue msk ugd</3

> Bbm terakhir sblm perang dunia.....

alya pevensie's birthday♥

"Happy Bornday mybestie alyani mahfuzh"
Happy birthday to you babe. Btw mksh bgt kmrn your birthday parteh nyaaa. Laftyu<333

> Potong kue\=D/

> Seraaaaang aliya=))

> Ceplokin aliyaaa

&&&.msh bnyk lg, sekian guys;))))))))

Senin, 16 April 2012


nice conversation=))

Boy: I miss you
Girl: Honestly I have been waiting forever for you to tell me that. But it's gotten to the point where I don't want to hear it anymore. You treated me like shit and honestly I could never open up to you like I once did. Because you didn't just hurt me, you completely destroyed me. So, I'm done;-)

My love story xoxo

Gue mau cerita wkt gue pertama kali kenal sm org. I think kalian tau kok siapa orgnya. Yap betul Christopher Deardo Sipayung...
Wkt itusih emg lg jaman2nya fb ya hehe berawal dr fb lah kisah cintaku *eaaa. Pertama sih emg gue yg add dia hehe iseng2 aja nambah tmn gt:p awalnya sih gtw klo doi anak biling haha mukanya ituloh yg tak memungkinkan^^v. Eh wkt udh di confirm nih dia ngewall gue, nah dr situlah gue sm dia kenal. Pkoknya sering chat gt di fb mhehe:$ the first sih gue tp the next nya dia deh h3h3h3.
Nah kebetulan wkt itu gue ada kerja kelompok etapi anggota gue kurang satu, yap yg kurang itu Dimas. Kita bnr2 panik hrs gmn gtw krn gada satupun dr kita yg punya nmrnya si tuyul itu. Dan kebetulan atau apalah si ardo lg on. Emg ya itu manusia on mulu haha soalnya wkt itu lg jaman pb gt deeeh. 
Yaudah gue reflek ngechat dia minta nmr dimas, dia blg lg gabawa hp sementara dia lg diwarnet butttt he gave me his phonenumber looooh h4h4h4. 
Malemnya gue sms dia minta nmr dimas cuy eh dibls deh dia minta maaf telat ngasihnya. Nah bosss dr situlah dia sering sms gue. Sometimes dia modus looooh:p Dr awal smsan gprnh gasmsan deeeh smpe akhirnya putus, barulah berhenti tdk smsan. Yap namanya jg udh putus yaaaa mau gmn=))

Kamis, 12 April 2012

should i trust u btch?

I listened to all your lies, bullshit, and sweet talking. I trusted you. I gave you my all and you just let me down. I hope you're happy;-)

#me #without #you

what's Mickey without Minnie
what's Pigglet without Pooh
what's Donald without Daisy
that's me without you

when Ariel doesn't sing
and Pooh Bear hates honey
when Tigger stops bouncing
and Goofy isn't funny

when Peter Pan can't fly
and Simba never roars
when Alice in Wonderland 
can't fit through small doors

when Dumbo's ears are small
and happily ever after isn't true

that's when i'll stop loving you
